3D integration enables ultralow-noise isolator-free lasers in silicon photonics - Nature

Three-dimensional integration of distributed-feedback lasers and ultralow-loss silicon nitride waveguides results in ultralow-noise lasers without the need for optical isolators.

Soliton pulse pairs at multiple colours in normal dispersion microresonators - Nature Photonics

Bright solitons are produced through the interaction of pulse pairs generated via a continuous-wave fibre laser, which pumps two coupled microresonators featuring normal dispersion.

Engineered zero-dispersion microcombs using CMOS-ready photonics

Normal group velocity dispersion (GVD) microcombs offer high comb line power and high pumping efficiency compared to bright pulse microcombs.

Chip-based laser with 1-hertz integrated linewidth

Lasers with hertz linewidths at time scales of seconds are critical for metrology, timekeeping, and manipulation of quantum systems.

Reaching fiber-laser coherence in integrated photonics

We self-injection-lock a diode laser to a 1.41 m long, ultra-high 𝑄 integrated resonator. The hybrid integrated laser reaches a frequency noise floor of 0.006Hz2/Hz at 4 MHz offset,

Hertz-linewidth semiconductor lasers using CMOS-ready ultra-high-Q microresonators

Using CMOS-ready ultra-high-Q microresonators, a highly coherent electrically pumped integrated laser with frequency noise of 0.2 Hz2 Hz−1, corresponding to a short-term linewidth of 1.2 Hz, is demonstrated.