The Traditional FOG
The SiPhOG’s principle of operation is the same as that of the classical interferometric fiber optic gyroscope. In simplest terms, the phased modulated light is launched into a waveguide where the light experiences equal but opposite additional phase shifts during rotation. This additional phase shift due to rotation is known as the Sagnac Effect. The return light from the waveguide is coupled into a photodetector, where the two return beams produce an interference signal that is linearly proportional to the angular rate.

ANELLO'S Integrated Photonic Waveguide
ANELLO has developed an ultra-low-loss-on-chip waveguide manufacturing process that allows the “Fiber” in a FOG to be directly replaced by its patented SiPhOG™ waveguide integrated circuit (“chip”). This manufacturing process is being developed at a large USA-based commercial semiconductor foundry.
Silicon Photonic Chip
ANELLO has developed a patented silicon photonics integrated circuit that replaces the discrete optical components (couplers, modulators, and detector) found in a FOG. The integrated SiPhOG™ provides a massive reduction in component costs and significant reduction in dimensional volume as compared to an equivalent high performance traditional Fiber Optic Gyro implementation.